
Information in English

Here you will find information in english, to help you when you are in contact with the network operator.

You need two contracts in order to get electricty.

A network contract with the network operator in your area, which in your case is Skövde Energi. We own the electricity meter in your residence and the cables in the ground. That is why you get an invoice regarding network fees from us.

You also need to have an electricity supply contract with an electricity supplier regarding your (electricity) consumption. You are free to choose which electricty supplier you sign the contract with.
If you have chosen Billinge Energi, then the electricity suppliers fees and the network owners fees will be charged on the same invoice.

We have a cancellation notice on our network contracts of 30 days, so it is important that you let us know in time when you are moving.

However, if you are moving out of a house or an condominium that you are selling, then we waver the cancellation notice and accept the access date of the new owners no matter when you contact us.
But we can’t make any changes if you contact us after the acess. We can only accept future changes.

Information about our effect rate

Since September 2021 we started a new tax system that calls effect rate.

Meaning that between 1 of November to 31 of March we have high tax, Low tax and månadseffekt.

High tax is Monday to Friday between 06:00-22:00
Low tax is Monday to Friday between 22:00-06:00

This means that it is cheaper to use more electicity during the nights, weekends and red days like christmas eve.

Between November and March we also have a tax called Månadseffekt. That is the highest hour consumption of electricity over the month. This is only on the high tax time.

To reduce your cost you can try to use more maschines (example: dishwasher, washing machine) during the night and weekends. During the high tax not use to many machines at the same hour if you use it on the daytime.

Rest of the year, 1 of April and 31 of October it’s low tax every hour of the day.

More information

Vi finns här när du behöver oss!

Har du frågor och funderingar är du alltid välkommen att kontakta vår kundservice.

Telefon: 0500-49 36 60
E-post: info@skovdeenergi.se