Questions and answers
Here you can find common questions and answers that our costumers ask right now.
All the electricity meters from Skövde Energi measure by the hour.
- Flexible price
The price of electricity is constantly moving up and down due to the market´s oscillations. A flexible electricity contract would mean that your price will vary from month to month. The flexible electricity price is based on the so called ”spotting price” that is declared on the Nordic electricity exchange, NordPool.
- Hourly rate
If you are able to direct your energy consumption to the cheapest hours, this is the contract for you. To gain the most out of your hourly rate contract you need to have the interest of studying the movement of the electricity price that changes over the day and night, you can do this through an app or on the internet – in this way you will optimize your outcome. In this way you will be able to consume the most during the cheapest hours.
- Fixed price
You sign a fixed price/kWh and thus get the same cost per kWh during the period of contract. Various electricity trading companies do not have a fixed price contract right now due to the constant fluctuations on the electricity exchange.
- Indication price
If you do not sign an electricity trading contract you will receive an indication price, which is the most expensive price/kWh there is. To get a better price it is to your benefit signing a electricity trading contract.
At www.elpriskollen.se you will find Sweden’s only non-biased web site for comparing prices.
When you have a agreement with Billinge Energi you do get all informaiton on one invoice.
On page 2 of your invoice you can see for how long your contract is signed.
The meters at Skövde Energi have a HAN-port with RJ45 and RJ12/P1 connectors. Would you like to activate your HAN-port? Please fill out the forms so that we can open it for you.
HAN-port (Home Area Network port) allows you to access real-time data from your electricity meter. By activating it, you can monitor your energy consumption, currents, and voltages. If you’re interested, you’ll need an HAN module, which you can purchase from electronics markets or from Skövde Energi. Once the module is installed and activated, you can connect third-party devices to access various types of real-time data. Keep in mind that we currently do not provide third-party products directly.
Feel free to fill out the form, and we’ll assist you with the activation process!
Are you planning to install a solar panel system on your property? Here, we’ve gathered some tips and advice for you as a customer.
- Right-Sizing Your System: Avoid installing a system larger than your annual electricity consumption. Learn more about microproducers.
- Consult an Authorized Electrician: Always contact an authorized electrician before purchasing your solar panel system. It’s essential that the electrician submits a pre-notification to us before the purchase. The electrician will be the one to get in touch with us, not you as the customer.
- Smart Electricity Meters: All Skövde Energi’s electricity meters are smart meters and ready for those who want to feed electricity back into the grid.
- Completion Notification: Once the installation is complete, the electrician should send us a completion notification. As a customer, you can have a dialogue with the electrician to stay updated on the process.
- Approval and Certification: When your solar panel system is approved by Skövde Energi, we’ll send you a certificate with the system’s ID.
- Activation and Agreement: After receiving the certificate, you can activate the system and sign an agreement with an electricity retailer.
- Installer as Your Point of Contact: Throughout the process, the electrician will be your main point of contact. It doesn’t expedite the process to contact us directly regarding the installation.
Remember that Skövde Energi aims to create a greener Skövde with lower carbon emissions, and your solar installation contributes to this goal!
Feel free to reach out if you have any further questions! at 0500-49 36 60
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Telefon: 0500-49 36 60
E-post: info@skovdeenergi.se