Information in English

This is Skövde Energi!

About Skövde Energi

Skövde Energi is a leading energy provider in the Skövde region. Our mission is to deliver reliable and sustainable energy solutions to our customers. Here’s what we do:

  1. Electricity Supply: We ensure a stable supply of electricity to homes, businesses, and public facilities. Our grid infrastructure supports daily life, from powering homes to running essential services.
  2. District Heating: We operate an efficient district heating system that warms homes and buildings during the colder months. By utilizing waste heat from local industries, we contribute to reducing environmental impact.
  3. Renewable Energy: Skövde Energi is committed to sustainability. We invest in renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, and hydropower. Our goal is to transition towards a greener future.
  4. Energy Efficiency: We promote energy efficiency through education, incentives, and smart solutions. Our team collaborates with customers to reduce energy consumption and lower their environmental footprint.
  5. Customer Service: Our friendly staff is here to assist you with billing, technical inquiries, and energy-saving tips. We prioritize customer satisfaction and strive to exceed expectations.

Join us in our journey towards a cleaner, more resilient energy landscape. Skövde Energi—powering progress, preserving the planet.

District heating

Is a closed-loop system where heat is supplied from a central facility to multiple buildings or properties. Instead of each property having its own individual heat source, this efficient approach allows for effective and sustainable distribution of warmth. 

Half of our customers consist of detached houses, while the remainder is distributed among industries, apartment buildings, commercial spaces, and public administration. The largest customers include Volvo Powertrain, Aurobay (Volvo Cars), Skövde Garrison, Västfastigheter (Skaraborg Hospital Skövde), Skövdebostäder, and Skövde Municipality.

About the Electricity Grid

The electricity we use in Sweden is generated both domestically and abroad. All electricity feeds into a shared grid and is distributed throughout the entire country. You can choose which electricity supplier you want to purchase from. In the urban area of Skövde, Skövde Energi owns the electricity grid.

The consumer price of electricity consists of three cost components:

  1. Grid Cost (Elnätskostnad): This covers the transmission of electricity to your home through the power grid. We ensure that electricity reaches your residence. We own the underground cables and collect meter readings from your meter. Our grid network spans 89 miles, with 190 substations and over 1900 cable cabinets. To maintain a secure electricity supply and ensure our customers have access to the required amount of electricity when needed, continuous maintenance and improvements are necessary.
  2. Electricity Retail Cost (Elhandelskostnad): This cost pertains to the electricity you use. Electricity retailers purchase electricity from the Nordic electricity exchange, Nordpool. The price is based on supply and demand, influenced by factors such as seasons and weather.
  3. Taxes and VAT: As a customer, you are billed by the grid operator for energy tax, VAT, and other government fees. Energy tax is collected by the grid operator on behalf of the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket), and it does not benefit the grid company directly.

Information about our effect rate

Since September 2021 we started a new tax system that calls effect rate.

Meaning that between 1 of November to 31 of March we have high tax, Low tax and månadseffekt.

High tax is Monday to Friday between 06:00-22:00
Low tax is Monday to Friday between 22:00-06:00

This means that it is cheaper to use more electicity during the nights, weekends and red days like christmas eve.

Between November and March we also have a tax called Månadseffekt. That is the highest hour consumption of electricity over the month. This is only on the high tax time.

To reduce your cost you can try to use more maschines (example: dishwasher, washing machine) during the night and weekends. During the high tax not use to many machines at the same hour if you use it on the daytime.

Rest of the year, 1 of April and 31 of October it’s low tax every hour of the day.

European payments

For payments from abroad, also known as European payments, please use the following payment details:

  • IBAN: SE1495000099604221421524

Please remember to include your invoice number with your payment.

You need two contracts in order to get electricty.

To receive electricity for your home, you need two different types of agreements. One is for the use of the electricity grid, and the other is for your electricity consumption. Customers who purchase from both an electricity grid company and an electricity retail company within the same group usually receive only one invoice. Other customers receive two invoices—one from the electricity grid company and one from the electricity retail company.

In the urban area of Skövde, Skövde Energi owns the electricity grid. You are always referred to the electricity grid company that owns and operates the network where you live. Therefore, you receive an invoice specifically for the electricity grid from Skövde Energi.

Your electricity consumption invoice covers the cost of the electricity you use in your home—for charging your phone, doing laundry, watching TV, and more. Here, you have the freedom to choose which electricity retail company you want to purchase your electricity from.

It’s good to know that there are different types of agreements to choose from. For example, you can opt for a fixed price that is locked in for a certain period or a variable price that fluctuates over time.

What should you choose? A tip is to visit, an independent website from the Swedish Energy Markets Inspectorate, where you can compare and get information about various electricity retail companies.

Vanliga frågor och svar

Alla frågor och svar

  • Vad ska jag tänka på vid ett dödsbo?

    När en närstående går bort är vi inte medvetna om det förrän ni meddelar oss. När den första svåra tiden har passerat, tveka inte att kontakta oss så hjälper vi dig att hantera det som behövs. Om en anhörig, till exempel den avlidnes make eller maka, önskar bo kvar i bostaden, ser vi till att…

  • Är det inte stora värmeförluster i fjärrvärmeledningarna?

    Nej, endast 10% av värmeenergin går förlorad i fjärrvärmeledningarna mellan värmeverket och dig som kund.

  • Vem äger och ansvarar för vad när det gäller fjärrvärme?

    Du som är kund äger och ansvarar för undercentralen samt ledningen från avstängningsventilen innanför husgrunden, förutom värmemätaren. Vi äger ansvar för ledningarna fram till och med avstängningsventilerna samt värmemätaren.

We are here when you need us!

If you have any questions or concerns, you are always welcome to contact our customer service.

Phone: 0500-49 36 60

Contact us

*” anger obligatoriska fält

Personal/customer number